School of Navigation John Starkie, PhD, RNR
Essential Navigation and Seamanship
A 16 hour (two days) RYA course, with continuous assessments, to learn the basics of chart work and navigation.
The next course is by demand and arrangement.
One person, one to one £150
Two, three or more people, each £100
Prices include books, charts, instruments, assessments.
Near Cambridge, or
in your own home within 50 miles, or
in groups up to 15 in your club or workplace classroom
ENS Syllabus
Charts, Publications & Terms, Buoyage, Navigation, Safety, Anchorwork, IRPCS, GNSS, Chartwork, Tidal streams & heights, Weather Forecasting, Passage planning, Pilotage
RYA Day Skipper Theory
A 40 hour course leading to two assessments for the RYA Day Skipper Theory certificate.
This course is 40 hours of classroom instruction plus 40 hours, or more, of homework.
The next course will be in 3 hour sessions, over 14 Tuesday evenings, 1830 to 2130,
17, 24 September
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 October
5, 12, 19, 26 November
3, 10, 17 December 2024
£450 per person
Gift vouchers for birthdays and Christmas!
Prices include books, charts, plotter, dividers, pencils & rubber, assessments
Tea, coffee & biscuits
but not a notebook (A4) or pen.
In the village of Horningsea, near Cambridge,
In your own home within 50 miles,
(at least two people, and we might charge travelling expenses,
depending on numbers and distance)
in groups up to 15 in your club or workplace classroom
In your own home,
each candidate needs about 2sq metres to spread a chart
and a chair.
We need space for a laptop and screen
When we use your classroom,
each candidate needs a table top of about 2 sq metres (to spread a nautical chart)
and a chair.
We need space for a laptop and a couple of screens
14 evenings
September, October, November, December
Day Skipper Theory Syllabus
Nautical terminology, Ropework, Anchorwork, Safety, IRPCS, Position, course & speed, Charts & publications, Drawing instruments, The compass, Chartwork, Tidal streams & heights, Visual aids, Meteorology, Passage planning, Restricted visibility, Pilotage, The marine environment
15 evenings
Jan, Feb, March
April 2025
Coastal Skipper &
Yachtmaster Theory
A 40 hour course leading to three assessments for the RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Theory certificate.
This course is 40 hours of classroom instruction plus 40 hours, or more, of homework.
We teach this course in 3 hour sessions (1830 to 2130) over 15 weekday evenings
9th January to 10th April 2025
£500 per person
Prices include books, charts, plotter, dividers, pencils & rubber, assessments
Tea, coffee & biscuits
but not a notebook (A4) or pen.
In the village of Horningsea, near Cambridge,
In your own home within 50 miles,
(Two people or more, and we might charge travelling expenses,
depending on numbers and distance)
in groups up to 15 in your club or workplace classroom
In your own home,
each candidate needs a chair and about 2sq metres to spread a chart
We need space for a laptop and screen
When we use your classroom,
each candidate needs a table top of about 2 sq metres (to spread a nautical chart)
and a chair.
We need space for a laptop and
either access to a projector or space for our projector and screen.
We are reluctant to teach Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Theory
to candidates who do not have a working knowledge of Day Skipper Theory.
Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory Syllabus
Position fixing, The Compass, Tidal streams & heights, Buoyage, Lights, Pilotage, GNSS, Meteorology, IRPCS, Safety, Passage Planning
The core theme is Passage Planning with a long, detailed assessment
Telephone Mentoring
On-line courses
Some people value support during an on-line course.
Taking an on-line course needs self-discipline and a commitment of time and energy. Working alone is lonely.
Many of the concepts of navigation are not intuitive and are easy to misunderstand.
We offer 10 hours of telephone mentoring, in 1-hour periods, for £100,
the timing of 'phone calls by agreement.